Support The Gather!

You can get involved and help support The Gather in various ways.

  • Volunteering in the café and shop or helping with back-stage tasks such as finance, maintenance or administration can be enjoyable and rewarding.  You will be working with others and can choose the amount of time you are willing to commit.
  • Become a shareholder in Ennerdale Hub Limited, the Industrial and Provident Society for Community Benefit which owns and manages The Gather. Ennerdale Hub is a mutual society – it is owned and run by its shareholder members.  To find out more and to download an application form to become a shareholder, click here.
  • If you are already a shareholder and wish to add to your shareholding, click here for an application form.
  • You can get involved in the running of the Ennerdale Hub by joining the Board.  This is the committee which oversees the businesses run by the Society and meets around 6 times a year.  You will not typically be carrying out day to day management.

If you have questions about any of these schemes or are interested in applying to volunteer or to join the Board, please telephone The Gather on 01946 862453 or e-mail us at .

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